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Pond and restaurant

Pond and restaurant with unfinished motel, in a well-preserved natural environment, there is approx. 15 km from Zavidovica, and is positioned next to the attractive tourist complex Kamenica. All already built facilities have proper permits. The restaurant with kitchen is currently operating with a capacity of approx. 70 seats. The motel offers 5 rooms, which are not fully completed. The pond consists of 13 pools and a fish hatchery, and there is also an artificial lake with a capacity of about 4,500 m3. The riverbed that passes through the property has been arranged and fortified, and a micro hydro power plant has been built, which supplies the complex with the necessary electricity. energy. There is also an attractively landscaped children's park with a lawn.

  • Status Open for further investment
  • Location Zavidovići, Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Category Tourism
  • Area 5 Hectare
  • More informationOn request